Friday, March 15, 2013

Mustard Seed Faith

Growing up I didn't think much about Faith or Religion 
because like most kids I just trusted that somehow things would work
out fine in the end just as it does in stories.

Unfortunately, life isn't a fairy tale where a Prince Charming  

 races in to save the Damsel in distress.
One lesson I learned is that instead of relying on people

(who may be subject to let you down when you need them the most).
I developed Mustard Seed Faith
that regardless of my situations God is my Provider

through whom all things are possible
It is that Faith that gave me the strength and determination to go from being a

Homeless Mother to become a Boilermaker. 
Remember, with God all things are possible.

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                                                                                   Blog & Website Content Created by Jacqueline Waddy-Jones, CreativeGirl Content Solutions

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